So my name is Shumail Zaidi, I'm currently training in the jedi arts, not sure if I wanna be a sith or jedi yet though. But more seriously, I generally don't like talking about school because it normally becomes a main focal point of a conversation (and then work when you start working) and people might only remember me by what I study which I'm not a huge fan of. But since you don't know me, I will give a little bit about my schooling and then we will get to the fun stuff.
I am currently doing my Masters at the University of Florida (UF) in Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering. I did my undergrad at UF as well, in Civil Engineering with a focus in Computer Science. I was going to put what I spent my time doing so far in undergrad on the website, but I figured it would be better if you checked my
LinkedIn out :) ... I will pause here to give you a moment to look at it then we can resume the conversation.
So your first question is probably, concrete is heavy, it probably sunk, how did you get it to float? Well, the short answer is the density of our concrete was less than that of water (water is 62.4lb/pcf, our concrete was like 60 I think). But if you want a more detailed answer, you'll have to interview me and I would happily explain it all :). The last thing I want to say about my schooling is that I did learn a lot while spending my time with these design teams and organizations. While it may not have been 100% "technical" in relation to Civil, Coastal Engineering, or Computer Science. I learnt a lot about working on a team, one where everyone gets along and another where half the team is divided, what it means to be a leader, and being patient with people who are learning. I know that I wouldn't be the Engineer I am today without having gone through all those experiences and I'm very grateful to have gone through them even if it meant making a lot of sacrifices.
Your next question is probably why CS? And simply put, I like the challenge and the material has always interested me since I took my first programming class in undergrad. It was MATLAB, which I know gets a bad rep, but it was my first exposure to CS and learning of what you can do with the power of programming really stood out to me. (My MATLAB professor's research seemed really cool which initially peaked my interest). I've since learned how to use Python (moreso just exposed to it at this point), C++, Java (currently building up to be my strongest language), FORTRAN (used this for a modelling class I took in Fall 2021), & HTML:JavaScript:CSS (learned from this project).
I wasn't expecting this about page to be this long but alas here we are. Thanks for making it this far! My favourite question to ask people is what they do for fun so that I could also get exposure to the many different things there are in life. This question led to some of my numerous hobbies. I learnt to roller blade, longboard/skateboard, surf, boulder (currently something I'm into, it is pretty fun), be in nature more, paint, & learn to cook! But I do like to play video games and watch anime when I'm not outside doing something which I will go over in the Fun Section :).
Thanks for swinging by and giving me your time! I hope to meet you at an interview, fellow stranger :)Feel free to reach out to me about any questions :)